Jim Tobin responds to me:

>>I personally prefer a relatively narrow definition of classical music
>>which does not include...movie soundtracks.
>Even though much of it has been composed by composers you would probably
>recognize as classical composers?

Well, classical composers are not required to write only "classical
music".  As I indicated earlier, the way I categorize different types
of music is for for my benefit only.  Jim also mentioned the advantage
of having an accepted system to enhance meaningful communication among
people.  He's right about that, but in my day-to-day life, classical music
is a "singular" activity in terms of buying, playing it, listening, and
communication.  I do a great job of talking to myself about music; never
do I encounter an argument.  It's only on this list that communication
with others about music takes place, and I've found that agreement on
musical matters is usually impossible to reach.

Don Satz
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