Jayne Willingham:

>I've never returned to the Russian composers because (in general) they
>possess too much fervor for me, there is too much fury and drama, and too
>much high e-string violin work....So yet another question to come out of
>this fugue-like thread: can anyone recommend Russian composers that are
>sparse, slow, structured, and calm? That are more (aesthetically) "baroque"
>than "romantic"?

Not sure about baroque, but try Stravinsky's Pulcinella, Orpheus, Apollon
Musagete, and Symphony of Psalms.  Then try Shostakovich's piano and cello
concerti and the middle movements of his 7th symphony.  Even among the most
fevered 19th century Russians there are some calm moments: Tchaikovsky's
Mozartiana, and Mussorgsky's Prelude to Khovantchina, for instance.

Jim Tobin