Can I throw my hat into the ring and name my favourite Bruckner recordings?
Perhaps others out there can suggest their own favourite list:

1.  Unsure.  Possibly the new Tintner when it is released.

2.  Karajan/BPO

3.  Tinter/RSNO = FRSO/Inbal

4.  Celibidache/Munich PO

5.  Welser Most/LPO = Furtwangler/BPO (1942)

6.  Tinter/NZSO (despite the playing) Furtwangler/BPO (1942 again)

7.  Knappertsbusch/VPO (1949).  No contest

8.  Wand/NDRSO (1987 live Lubeck Cathedral) Horentsein/LSO

9.  Giulini/VPO (1989)

Just thought I'd start a thread for discussion ...

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK