Haven't heard his Enescu or other recent Chandos recordings, but a
broadcast of a Miaskovsky 2 of his (it was on the radio, and they didn't
say if it was the Russian Revelation CD or from some other performance)
shows he got that on target, anyhow.  Of course, that's a symphony for
which the very qualities mentioned as inappropriate to Enescu are -- erm -
more than satisfactory.  (Though I quite liked the Marco Polo recording
of Enesco 3; quite a lot.  And play it often.  Makes me wonder about
something- my taste, for one thing *g*) (I wonder how the new Orfeo
recording of that symphony - Mia 2, that is - compares...  besides being
pleased that a piece that I regard as Miaskovski's very best composition
finally has a second recording...)

-Eric Schissel