Bill Pirkle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>My reading or Beethoven was that he was more occupied with the conflict
>between good and evil than with the conflict between man and woman.

Try Beethoven's pianosonata opus 28, first movement!  Inthere is a struggle
between the first theme and the side theme.  The first theme is laying over
9 bars.  I the development first the last four bars of the maintheme are
loosened from the others.  The underlying voices are now "hunting" the
first them, which cracks up more and more, while it is wandering around in
the keys and octaves...soon is only two bars left of it, then one bar, than
lesser than one bar, just a thin little figure, and finally it is defeated
and only some falling accords are left.  One of the most exciting
development sections I know.

Mats Norrman
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