When I was 15, (I am now 28), I started to have an interest in classical
Music.  My friends at the time thought I was crazy and just plain weird
for having liking that "dead music" (as one friend put it at the time).
Generally, most of them complained, not unlike your situation, about the
music I enjoyed.

Well, moving the clock forward 15 years, my friends are still my friends
and strangely enough, some of them have actually started to enjoy classical
music.  When I am in the states, they ask if they can borrow a CD or two.
Saying I heard this, and it was pretty good.

I was also fortunate enough to meet a great lady, who also happens to love
CM (thought she complains about my several hundred dollar month CD habit),
and who is soon to be my wife.  We enjoy listening to music and going to
concerts together.

So the moral of the story is this, not everybody will like the same
things as everybody else, this includes your friends and can even include
your spouse.  But, your true friends will always be your true friends,
regardless of your choice in music.  Any maybe with a little time, and
exposure maybe your friends will come to eventually enjoy listening to CM.

Hope it helps & returning to Lurker Mode.

Gary Smith
Niigata, Japan