William J. Karzas wrote:

>>It is unlikely that the (mono) Kubelik Mercury recording [of the Bloch
>>Concerto Grosso #1] will appear on CD as Mercury previously has issued
>>the Hanson/Eastman recodings of #1 and #2 on Merc 432 718....Too bad.

Am I missing something or is everyone ignoring the live Steinberg
recording of No.1?

Roger Hecht ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Hanson was an interesting conductor.  His recordings of his symphonies
>are quite viable alternatives to the competition, mainly from Schwarz, but
>also, in the 2nd, from Slatkin and Gerhardt as well.  ...

His Ives Three Places and Third Symphony on Mercury are also outstanding.

Deryk Barker
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