Karl Miller wrote:

>As a librarian, I can't say that even libraries are always interested.

Well, obviously not.  I guess my response clouded a basic fact such as this
with my own bitterness regarding the situation.  Libraries have their own
constraints, for good reason.  My local public library just moved into a
new building with huge empty shelf space.  And their collection is such
that the odds of duplicating any of it, even if I didn't check, is

Even in the case of Stanford, the duplications are maybe 1-2%.  The
practicality is such that duplications are very unlikely, simply because
I receive only new CDs (for obvious reasons) and institutional acquisition
cycles are slow-moving.  The first time I brought material, they were
justifiably apprehensive, but when much of it was material specifically
on their "want" list, I think they felt like kids in a candy store.

Anyway, for the public library, the attitude of the librarian in charge is
such as it is.  She had, quite simply, a very dim opinion of me and made
that abundantly clear.  Perhaps someone else would have different luck,
even at the same place.

Todd McComb
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