I couldn't resist!  The first mail is the mail I received, followed by my
respoinse to them!  Hope you all don't mind me posting this!


Urgent inquiry for hospital articles,

Dear Sirs,

We are an international trading company, mainly serving the European

The Bitways Group purchases globally on own account and then resells the
products to various clients. Our aim is to source globally and to offer our
clients the best prices worldwide.

From one of our own or rented databases we have retrieved your address as
potential supplier of the product(s) we would like to purchase this time. If
you can promptly give us your very best quote you might be chosen as the
supplier we have been looking for as early as next week.

In conclusion I would like to ask you to make us your best quote as this
will enable us to work more efficiently.

Your sincerely

Sven Dassler
Global Sourcing Team

Berliner Brücke, BZO, House 20
D-38448 Wolfsburg,Germany
Fon: +49 (0) 5361 275783
Email: [log in to unmask]


My product is Breastmilk and it is free!  It is healthy!  It is the best.
SO my best quote would be $0.00!  I hope all the babies of the world win
your bid !  ;-)  Best Wishes

Cindy Curtis RN IBCLC

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