Meyers wrote:

        >There is a section of the Appalachians that they traveled that
> >has since been known as the "Trail of Tears" perhaps the origin of the
> term
> >in use for other forced migrations over land use and resources. They,
> along
> >with the Onondaga, I think, fought on our side against the British Army
> in
> >the War of Independence.
> >
> >If I wanted to know more about this conflict, is there a general history
> of
> >it. even if I'm base over the mis-spelling?
        I don't know if I am stating the obvious, but have you consulted the
following articles and their associated bibliographies?:

 Landy, David
   1978   Tuscarora Among the Iroquois. In Handbook of  North American
Indians, edited by William
        Sturtevant. Vol. 15, Northeast, edited by Bruce G. Trigger, pp.
518-524. Smithsonian Institution,
        Washington, DC.

Boyce, Douglas W.
   1978   Iroquoian tribes of the Virginia-North Carolina Coastal Plain. In
Handbook of  North American     Indians, edited         by William
Sturtevant. Vol. 15, Northeast, edited by Bruce G. Trigger, pp. 282-289.
Smithsonian Institution,        Washington, DC.

Charles Heath