Bernard Chasan wrote:

>Bill Strother writes of Schubert:
>>But I love him as one does a sweet child.  Mozart is an unbelievable
>>human, and Beethoven is a giant.
>A sweet child? Good grief!!!!  This is the master who set out to set German
>poetry to music and wrote some of the greatest songs ever.  Winterreise was
>not produced by a sweet child.  The octet, the cello quintet, the piano
>sonatas were not produced by a sweet child.

Why can't anyone read what is written? I didn't say Schubert was a sweet
child, but that I love him as one does a sweet child.  Sure, there is a
lot of darkness on Schubert, but I wasn't talking about him, but about my
attitude to him, how I think of him as differentiating my feelings about
Mozart and Beethoven.  These composers are not paper cutouts to me, they
are real human beings and in many was are alive to me.  So I sometimes have
feelings and attitudes...oh well.  Just read what I say, not what you
thought I said.

Bill S