It must be "make a list" time.  I'll present the works which get to my core
in order of preference (quite momentary):

1. Bach - Art of Fugue (Gilbert-Archiv).
2. Schubert  - Piano Sonata D.959 (Brendel-Philips).
3. Bach - St. Matthew Passion (New Herreweghe -HM).
4. Bach - Well Tempered Clavier (Gould-Sony).
5. Mozart - Great Mass in C minor (Leppard-EMI).
6. Beethoven - Symhony No. 9 (Bernstein-Sony).
7. Brahms - Clarinet Quintet (Leister-Nimbus).
8. Mahler - Symphony No. 4 (Alexander/Haitink-Philips).
9. Beethoven - Hammerkavier Piano sonata (Pollini-DG).
10.Mozart - Magic Flute (Klemperer-EMI).
11.Mozart - Clarinet Concerto (Bohm-DG) and Quintet (Meyer-Denon).
12.Schumann - Kinderszenen (Argerich-DG).
13.Handel - Messiah (Boston Baroque-Telarc).
14.Shostakovich - Op. 87 Preludes & Fugues (Nikolayeva-Hyperion).
15.Brahms - Clarinet Sonatas (Leister-Orfeo).
16.Mahler - Das Lied (Ferrier/Walter).
17.Mozart - Piano Concerto No. 24 (Frantz-Eurodisc).
18.Bach - Mass in B minor (Leonhardt-DHM).
19.Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No.3 (Kocsis-Philips).
20.Ravel - String Quartet (Alban Berg-EMI).
21.Brahms - Handel Variations (Katchen-Decca).
22.Weber - Grand Duo Concertant (Hilton-Chandos).
23.Debussy - Preludes (Giesking-EMI).
24.Schumann - Piano Concerto (Bolet/Chailly-Decca).
25.Schubert - String Quartet D.887 (Tokyo-RCA).

Don Satz
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