Kimberly Martin wrote:

>I didn't go to the concert, sorry:(.  But I do want to comment on playing
>from memory.  As an aspiring percussionist, I tend to want to memorize
>everything, particularly on the mallet instruments.  It's so much easier to
>concentrate on the "music" when you've already got all the black dots down;
>if you can play it successfully from memory, then you can easily add all
>of the (pardon the phrase) emotional stuff.

Sorry, but this is an approach to music making which I detest.  The
emotional stuff IS the music.  The technical stuff should be able to be
worked out in very short order.  You should begin to sight read a work by
trying to find the emotional stuff straight away.  If you "add it in" at
the last minute, it is calculated and shows that you haven't engrossed
yourself sufficiently in the score.

Kevin Sutton