Donald Satz wrote:

>I think it's great that Lamon has challenged Zukerman to a "battle of the
>bands".  I love a good fight but am skeptical that Zukerman is sufficiently
>brave to accept the challenge.

I would agree.  Zuckerman has his talents, but I have seen him a couple of
times in Nashville and Dallas and his take out phone in food orders would
have been more exciting to observe.

>Many years ago he was blubbering about how terrible period performance is
>- evidently he's still on the same wavelength.  But, I figure he's well
>aware that that he would lose the battle.

He certainly would!

>Mr. Zukerman might be a splendid person in all other respects,

He isn't.  Having met him a couple of years ago at a record store function,
he was curt, rude, sloppily dressed and in a word, a real jerk.

Kevin Sutton