Bob Dubois wrote:

>The new version is really well done (almost perfect), but the performance
>of 1985 should still be a little better.  Anyway, this is told to me by a
>Bach-freak who's searching for the perfection.

Ahhh, but the perfection won't be found in Herrewegge (either version),
nor Harnoncourt nor Gardiner, nor Koopman nor Brueggen.  Where then is
the perfect St.  Matthew to be found? I thought you would never ask!
It's Klemperer!!!!  With Pears as Evangelist, Fischer-D as Jesus and
Schwartzkopf, Gedda, Ludwig and Berry as the aria singers, a better
casted SMP is not to be found.  The singing of the choir is heartfelt and
magnificent.  The Orchestra plays like the band of Heaven.  This is one of
the most moving accounts of this great work on record!  Check it out!!!

Kevin Sutton