Thanks to Raymond Chan for originating this thread and providing the
contents of the letter that Jeanne Lamon wrote concerning Zukerman's
comments about period performance.  I think it's great that Lamon has
challenged Zukerman to a "battle of the bands".  I love a good fight but
am skeptical that Zukerman is sufficiently brave to accept the challenge.
Many years ago he was blubbering about how terrible period performance is
- evidently he's still on the same wavelength.  But, I figure he's well
aware that that he would lose the battle.

Mr. Zukerman might be a splendid person in all other respects, but when it
comes to period performance, he behaves in a bitter, spiteful, and childish
manner.  Maybe he had a traumatic experience in the past associated with
period instruments.  Whatever, he insults all period instrument conductors,
musicians, and listeners - that must include me as well.  He could be a
good sport, pick up a baroque violin, make a recording, and likely realize
that it's not so bad.

Don Satz
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