Satoshi Akima wrote:

>...  I had been trying to keep things as simple as I could.  Sorry, it
>seems I had partly, and wrongly, assumed that you had raised the issue
>of autism because you understood that there is much overlap between the
>features of a recently more widely accepted subtype of autism called
>Asperger's syndrome and Tourette's syndrome.

Asperger's syndrome! That was the part that I couldn't remember. Thank you!

>Indeed it is likely that all conditions, Tourette's, autism and Asperger's
>syndrome may be genetically related diseases.

Ahhh. Well I didn't know that. And I am completely unqualified to talk about
anything more medical than tylenol, so I will duly shut up and read on!

(Kevin reads with great interest and concludes:_

That I think I am in full agreement with Mr.  Akima and that I appreciate
his again taking the time to do so much writing.  It would seem to me,
by the definitions that you state below, that we have no way of knowing
if Gould were indeed a victim of Asperger's syndrome.  I think that the
answer is no, he was not, but I am certainly no physician nor psychologist.
I wonder, now that I think about it, if Gould's diet and drug abuse
contributed to his behaviour.  (I am sure that it contributed to his early

Kevin Sutton