Since a few weeks I imagine Hell as a place in which people discuss
eternally about Glenn Gould's organical noises.  Let's drive our souls,
then, to more heavenly subjects.  I propose a thread about favourite
recordings of Mahler's 4th and 8th.  Here are my preferences:

4th:  Szell/Raskin (I love her childish voice praising the "himmlischen
freuden") - Solti/ I don't remember who

8th:  Kubelik (BRO) (DG 1971)/ Vaclav Neumann/ Solti (the best I know,
perhaps)/ Robert Shaw (Telarc).

Among the 4th's recordings that I don't like are Maazel's and Haitink's.
Maazel is a little "hysterical" and overrreacted, and Haitink is too cold
(in this particular work) for my taste.

Does someone knows better recordings (older or newer)?

Pablo Massa
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