Danny Tan wrote:

>I am glad that there are a few people who concur with me that this is the
>best recording of Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No.  1.  After hearing this
>recording from Martha Agerich, I will always try to look around to see if
>she has recorded a particular piano concerto which I am seeking.  I have a
>few now, but hope to collect more.  Does anyone has any opinions about her
>greatest recordings, or the worst ones that we have to avoid?

One CD that is definitely worth seeking is Argerich's recording of the
Rakhmaninov Third Concerto., recorded live in the early 80's with the RSO
Berlin Ork, Ricardo Chailly conducting.  A wondrous performance.  It is
paired, strangely, with a somewhat pedestrian Tchaikovsky number 1, with
the Bavarian Radio Symphony, Kirill Kondrashin at the helm.  The Rakh.
third is a sure winner, the Tchaik.  first is so much weaker that the
pairing is puzzling.  Philips # 446 673-2, recorded 'ADD'.  Chailly's
restrained style on this recording is particularly suited to Argerich's
fire.  The liner notes prose use the phrase 'pearls thrown on black velvet'
to describe Argerich's opening of the second movement...  the phrase is an
apt desciption.  This CD is well worth the price for the Rakh.  third

Another favorite is her Chopin Piano Cto #1, E-minor, paired with the Liszt
Piano Cto #1, E-flat major.  Both with the London Symphony, Claudio Abbado.
DG # 449 719-2

Less of a favorite, at least to me, is the Argerich "Debut Album", DG # 447
430-2, which contains the Liszt Piano Sonata, B-minor, the Liszt Hungarian
Rhapsody #6, Chopin Scherzo #3 (C sharp minor) op.39, Brahms Rhapsody, op.
79, Prokofiev Toccata op.  11, and Ravel Jeux d'eau.  All solo piano.  All
very well-played, but not of the same stature as the two mentioned above.

I hope this helps,

...tony   < [log in to unmask]