Bernard Chasan wrote:

>>Suppose that you like an older non HIP version of something - say
>>Britten's set of the Brandenberg Concerti.  Do you renounce it because
>>it is clearly not HIP?

To which Don Satz indignantly replied:

>My opinion is that only a *jerk* would stop listening to a liked version
>simply because it does not approximate some premise of historical accuracy.
>Does Bernard really think that we would behave like that? That historical
>accuracy takes center stage over musical enjoyment? I don't know where that
>idea would be coming from.

I trust that true lovers of music would not behave like that, maybe I
am creating a straw man.  My main point was that the hip status of a
particular performance is not forever, as more research is done.  Nothing
personal, Don.  After all, you put me onto Angela Hewitt.

Bernard Chasan