
>Any idea where I can find a DECENT version of "Song of the Forests"???

At any internet CD vendor I suppose, As I do not know where You live I
cant orient You further - You want a sugestion of recordings as well?

During last year there where released at lest two "decent" versions:

Shostakovich:  Song of the Forests - St.  Petersburg PO & Chorus, Y.
Temirkanov (cond), S.  Kisseliev (tenor), G.  Bezzubenkov (bass) - RCA
Victor Red Seal 09026-68877-2

Shostakovich: Songs of the Forest / The Nose - Cologne Radio So, M.
Jurowski (cond) - Capriccio 10779

I personally belive that The Temirkanov recording is the decenter, no
need to look further.

peter lundin, -  Counting the days: DSCH 100 (1906-2006)