Tony Lee wrote:

>Johann Pachelbel (1653 - 1706) is best known for his "Canon and Gigue",
>a frighteningly popular piece in the Classical Music repertory.  One can
>hardly listen to classical music on FM without hearing it again and again.

When I was in conservatory in New York, a group of us used to go down to
Columbus Ave.  and 72nd St. to play string quartets on the street and pick
up a little cash.  It was fun.  It quickly became clear, though, that the
ONLY pieces that made people stop and listen, and then toss money at us,
were Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusic (A little night music) and the
Pachelbel "Cannon" (I rather like that spelling.) So for like three or four
hours we'd do Pachelbel-Mozart-Pachelbel-Mozart-Pachelbel-Mozart-BEER.
Over and over.

>And, for what it is worth, Pachelbel's Canon is one of my LEAST FAVORITE
>items in classical music.  I hate, loathe, and despise it.  Anyone else

Au contraire, I love it.  I have probably played that piece more than
1,000 times since I was 13 years old.  Weddings, concerts, funerals, block
parties, I recorded it once dubbing over the violin parts so it was all me,
I've played it at sea on ocean liners and in the New York Subway.  It was
the first piece I ever played in an ensemble as a cellist.  And for the
cello the part is BORING.  But I enjoy it every time, and enjoy it when it
comes on the radio.  It is one of the most popular works of art in Western
Civilization, and it moves me today like the first time I heard it.

>I guess there is just no accounting for taste.  <G>


P.S. ...ummm....I don't suppose anyone's heard a piano trio play an
arrangement of this piece???

:-) stay tuned..


David Runnion
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