Donald Satz ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Cutting through the "politically correct" nonsense, Ms. McClary is
>actually paying quite a tribute to Beethoven's music.  She listens to it
>and has the powerful image of a rape; That's testimony to the strong impact
>Beethoven's music has on Ms. McClary.  That's what music is all about -
>impact.  Apparently, McClary prefers not to receive these types of images;
>that's her problem since she creates them.

Sorry Don, but you simply can't cut 'through the "politically correct"
nonsense' here.  'Rape' is a loaded word and you can be sure she knows
that.  There are many other analogys for power experiences which she could
have chosen, which don't have the baggage of this one.  (For heaven's sake,
how many people in N America know that the plant "Canola oil" comes from is
properly called "rape"?)

I don't feel that it was any kind of tribute to Beethoven, more that she
was trying to deny his greatness.  or, rather, conclude that he was "just
another man" (to which many would doubtless want to add "dead European"
to finish him off altogether).

Deryk Barker
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