Donald Satz wrote:

>Bob Dubois wrote:
>>When I hear him play, I always turn off the radio for a while, I
>>think he's the perfect example of showing no respect at all for
>>the composer!
>Because he hums? He's hardly the only artist who makes noises while
>performing.  Are all of them disrespectful? I don't understand this view.

With all due respect for Mr Gould, I think performers that hum, sing,
grunt, wheeze, and otherwise show how deeply they are feeling the music are
either undisciplined, because they aren't in full control of their bodies
when they play, or pretentious, trying to show how much they feel and emote
by singing along or making other extramusical sounds.  There was a similar
thread recently on another list about Keith Jarrett.  I liked his playing
at one point, but all the whooping and discordant singing just turned me
off.  Speak to me with your hands and your minds, don't grunt at me.

Dave Runnion