Danny Tan ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>2) EVC9002 - Rachmaninofff's Symphonic Dances (London Symphony/ Sir Gossens)
>Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring (London Symphony/ Sir Gossens)

That's Sir Eugene Goossens.

>...  I bought these at "above" full prices.  Because I was told that they
>are audiophile discs utilising super bit mapping technology and thus is 20
>bits instead of the usual 16 bits in CDs.

Like Sony, for instance, do on all their new CDs....

>I was even told that the word "PROMOTIONAL" splashed across the CDs means
>that these discs are the first few off the mould and has the best sound


>But I saw some list members mentioning about getting some Beethoven's
>complete works at "promotional" prices.  Does this mean that such discs are
>sold at discount or "even given free!" in the US? The sound quality of
>these discs I had is certainly noticeably much better than the normal CDs.
>If anyone has an Everest CD, hope that you can give some infomation about
>this record label.  Thanks.

Promotional means that they were sent to a reviewer, or to a radio station
- usually for nothing.  I can't say I've ever noticed any difference in
sound quality.  The Everest recordings of the 1950s are often in very good
sound, period.  The Krips Beethoven symphonies, for instance, sound superb.
Pity the performances are dull as ditchwater.

Deryk Barker
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