I have just managed to obtain 3 "promotional" CDs from a smallish record
company called EVEREST.  They are:-

1) EVC9000 - Falla's The Three Cornered Hat (London Symphony/Enrique Jorda)
    Bartok's Dance Suite (London Philpharmonic/Janos Ferencsik)

2) EVC9002 - Rachmaninofff's Symphonic Dances (London Symphony/ Sir Gossens)
    Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring (London Symphony/ Sir Gossens)

3) EVC9005 - Shostakovich's Symphony No. 6 (London Philharminic / Sir
    Adrian Boult)
         Symphony No. 9 (London Symphony / SIr Malcom Sargent)

I understand that these are historic recordings.  Anyone has any comments
about these performances? I bought these at "above" full prices.  Because
I was told that they are audiophile discs utilising super bit mapping
technology and thus is 20 bits instead of the usual 16 bits in CDs.  I was
even told that the word "PROMOTIONAL" splashed across the CDs means that
these discs are the first few off the mould and has the best sound quality!
But I saw some list members mentioning about getting some Beethoven's
complete works at "promotional" prices.  Does this mean that such discs are
sold at discount or "even given free!" in the US? The sound quality of
these discs I had is certainly noticeably much better than the normal CDs.
If anyone has an Everest CD, hope that you can give some infomation about
this record label.  Thanks.

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