[log in to unmask] writes:

>Atterberg has actually never been popular.  The reason is that he had
>many enemies in his lifetime.  And the reasons to that is first of all
>that he notoriously followed Peterson-Arger and Rangstroem in the tradition
>of aggressive Swedish critics, and he made enemies to right and left.

As I recall, Atterberg also entered an international contest for the best
symphony, with a panel of judges that included Nielsen, Glazunov, and one
other--Casella or Respighi, perhaps? In any case, he won, only to announce
afterwards that he'd deliberately tailored the work to present qualities
that would appeal to just those judges.  It was nonsense, because Atterberg
always sounds like Atterberg; but the comment effectively allienated a
significant portion of the international musical community.  Atterberg
loved thumbing his nose at power bases.

Musically, I think he had far more to say than he ever mentioned with his
mouth.  His 5th (which was asked about) may be available from Caprice on
CD, as it was on LP--a fine recording, with Ehrling conducting.

Barry Brenesal