I have been away but also I went off list because I couldn't stand the
thought of another mailing on this subject.  I have just returned after
about 2 weeks and nearly the whole of my first digest was on repeats!

This morning's digest shows no mention of repeats so perhaps it is time
for a last word on the subject for I had wondered how people had managed
to find so much to say about it?

If I go to a concert I want to hear *all* the repeats.  This is entirely
logical as it helps the cost-per-minute factor.  What else is there to say?

Such thoughts originated in the mid-60s when HvK used to take the BPO
around playing Mozart 29 & Bruckner 8 and charge a lot of money for it (if
the archivists were correct I attended the French premieres of Bruckner 7
& 8 at the Theatre des Champs-Elysees, if one can believe it), and it
seemed especially poor value on timing .....  but of course strong on

And, oh, yes I agree ..... the Serafino CD is terrific.

John G. Deacon
Home page: www.ctv.es/USERS/j.deacon