Mysti, (I'm with you re: SC today)

Good clean-up after unfortunate BF management story.

I do have a question about one part:

taking high doses of acidophilus to bring more lactobacilli into her

This is something I thought I read of only in relation to increase of
lactobacilli in the gut of the person (mom or baby) that received the
acidophilus directly, especially after ABX. The idea, as  you were
obviously shooting for,  is to re-colonize the gut with the "good germs",
 to prevent diarrhea and keep Candida from multiplying like crazy in the
gut. I envision them remaining in the gut where they stay till eliminated
with the stool.

I remember that breastmilk facilitates the growth of lactobacilli in the
baby's gut. But I have never heard that the actual organisms travel from
the mother's gut into the her blood stream and into her milk.

I thought the capsule could be opened an diissolved in water and safely
be given to the baby. Dose? Dropper, teaspoon? (Come to think of it, I
can't actually remember how they get into the gut of the newborn in the
first place. Plenty environmentally?) Can someone clarify?

K. Jean Cotterman RNC, IBCLC
Dayton, Ohio USA

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