John Smyth:

>While continuing to search the remotest corners of the late 19th Century
>on my hands and knees, happy to find even the most insignificant speck of
>glitter or petal of rose, once non-chalantly cast away as if the store of
>good melodies were endless...(sigh); I came across a 3 CD set of Jarvi
>conducting the suites of Rimsky Korsakov on Chandos.

I agree with John's assessment of this set.  He probably already knows -
but just in case - that Naxos has been exploring even more of those remote
corners in several CDs of Rimsky's music.  The obscure stuff is never less
than interesting.

For years, I resisted buying a CD of his Antar because I still used as a
benchmark my Paray version on a Mercury LP of relative antiquity.  Finally,
I decided to try the Jarvi set of the symphonies on DG which are played for
all they're worth, and I commend them to John and other Rimsky enthusiasts.

Richard Pennycuick
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