Jonathan Knapp wrote of "A feather on the breath of God" by Gothic Voices:

>This recording is probably the finest available of Bingen's music, and of
>the genre.  The solo work by Emma Kirkby makes it even more attractive.
>It should be in everyone's collection.

As Mr. Deacon (who's opinion is always of value) thinks I overstate the
case for Ms. Norman's 4 last songs record, I think that to say that Gothic
Voices' recording of "Feather" is the very finest Hildegard is a little too
strong.  Whereas this is a fine record (although when it comes to early
music vocal talents, I much prefer Montserrat Figuras to Ms. Kirkby, I
think one would be remiss if one didn't avail oneself (drat, what a load
of pompous third personage that was!) to the Sequentia Hildegard recordings
with the late Barbara Thorton as sing-ist! These are fabulous performances!
