Hector Arturo Llamas Orenday:

>Hi List members: Next week our symphony orchestra will play Z. Long's
>"King Chu doffs his armour" for p'ipa and orchestra.  Do you have any
>information about the author and instrument? Thanks in advance.

I'm not familiar with long, but I have a p'ipa on the wall (that I bought
in Hong Kong in 1984), it is a shallow lute instrument with high tension
strings that are wound from silk.  The finger board has fret funktioning
ridges all along.  I belive it is semi hollow, but have no soundhole.  The
sound is very percussive, very direct.  Outside china, the two best (still
Chinese) players seem to be:  Wu, Man and Ya, Dong.

peter lundin, gothenburg.se -  Counting the days: DSCH 100 (1906-2006)