Bob Draper wrote:

>I try to be, always open to the possibility of review of my opinions.
>Indeed, currently I am re-evaluating Handel upwards.
>(Has anyone heard Scipione? some marvellous music there, yet little known.)

I've had a period instrument recording of Scipione on the FNAC label for a
few years.  If I remember right, it's conducted by Rousset of harpsichord
fame although he seems to be conducting more and more with time.  It is an
excellent recording, and Scipione is one of Handel's better creations.  But
there's a lot more good stuff from Handel as far as operas and oratorios;
since Bob likes Scipione, he could confidently go for the other vocal works
and expect much pleasure.  I believe that the FNAC label might be defunct.
I've noticed that other past FNAC releases are now being re-issued on other
labels, so finding the Rousset Scipione could be problematic.

>It is irritating to see so many versions of the Mozart adaptation of The
>Messiah appearing on the shelves purely because his name is bigger than

I infrequently see Mozart's adaptation of the Messiah on the cd shelves,
but I must admit that I'm not looking for it.  Mozart also adapted Handel's
Acis and Galatea, and I like that better than the original.  The
Mozart/Handel connection can be mighty fine.

Don Satz
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