Peter Goldstein wrote:

>But although I disagree with most of what Bob says, I understand exactly
>where he's coming from.  It took me a very long time to appreciate Mozart,
>mainly because I was such a Haydn devotee.  I looked in Mozart for Haydn's
>wiry strength, crystal-clear beauty, and intellectual power, and didn't
>find any of them.  I decided I just didn't get it, and put away Mozart for
>many years.  When I came back, I still loved Haydn, but had broadened my
>tastes considerably.  This time I got it, and I'm still getting it.

I find that I appreciate Mozart much more after I have performed a work
by him.  I have always appreciated his music, but I came to truly love it
after I had been inside of the C minor mass for a few weeks.  Once you see
the perfection of the construction and literally feel how perfectly he
wrote for damn near every instrument (especially the voice) you cannot help
but stand back in awe of the man.
