Richard Pennycuick ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Beethoven's music for either piano four hands or piano duet is mostly
>early and is rarely recorded: there's also an arrangement I'd love to hear
>of the Grosse Fuge for piano duet.

Op.134 and Beetehoven's last work for keyboard.

It's wonderful.  There's a tremendous performance on Nonesuch by Paul
Jacobs and Ursula Oppens (two pianos - according to Jacobs' liner note it's
practically impossible to play at a single keyboard); at least I seem to
recall that it's been reissued on CDm but don't know if it's still in

C/w Busoni's Fantasia Contrappuntistica and his arrangement of Mozart's
piece (name?) for musical clock.  Great disc.

Deryk Barker
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