Linda Rogers wrote:

>Yo Yo Ma on the other hand devotes himself to his video projects and his
>Bach gardens and so forth.  I will let you judge the relative worth for

To be fair to Yo Yo Ma and his wider-range of activities than described
above, here is a newsgroup quote from Henry Fogel, Executive Director of
the Chicago Symphony, who was most put out in Oct '99 by thoughts that Yo
Yo is a dilettante, who doesn't put much effort into music in any varied

   "A few days ago in Chicago Yo-Yo Ma played an entire recital of music
   for unaccompanied cello, and not a note of it was Bach (until the
   encore); all of it was twentieth century, three of the four pieces
   by living composers, and two of them written for Ma.  Ma has recorded,
   for example, cello concertos or major works by Barber, Britten, Rouse,
   Herbert, Albert, Danielpour.  Kirchner, Goldschmidt, Taverner, Ives,
   Korngold, Bernstein, Franz Schmidt, and many other non-standard
   composers.  There is hardly a "star" performer in our era (except
   Rostropovich) who has consistently strayed as much from the standard
                 Henry Fogel "

Andrys in Berkeley
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