David Runnion wrote:

>Don't most minuet/gigue movements have "da capo senza repitizione" written
>in? Isn't that standard performance practice?

No and yes...that is to say, "DC senza.." isn't very common, but it is
nonetheless standard performance practice, where it probably shouldn't be.

Certainly by middle Beethoven, where more complex, 5-part structures
 [sometimes with written-out repeats] replace the ternary forms [with or
without full repeats in the DC], the situation gets a lot more complex.

Cf.  Schumann, not only the symphonies [scherzi with two trios, either the
same or different] but the incredible nested structures in the big piano

Joel Lazar
 [currently rehearsing the Eroica with the exposition repeat in I, of course
AND with split violins...]