Ulvi Yurtsever wrote:

>When you add the Szell and Kubelik (both on Sony I think) sets to Goodman's
>I think the Schumann symphonies are just about covered for eternity; it's
>hard to see why any conductor would want to record them again in the face
>of such competition.

Kubelik made two sets, one on Sony, and an earlier one on DG.  I don't
know the Sony.  I like the DG enough, but it can be stodgy in places.
I agree the Szell is masterful.  Classic.  Don't know Goodman.

One I am surprised to say I like, at least so far (1, 2, part of 3) is
the Ceccato recording of the leaner Mahler orchestra with Bergen.  It's
almost bubbly and sparkling.

Roger Hecht