Steve Schwartz wrote:

>Of the ones I've heard - Casals, Ma (both), Rostropovich (first),
>Tortelier, Neikrug, Fournier, and Maisky - my two favorites are very
>similar in approach.  Both Fournier and Neikrug create a very elegant
>line, without sacrificing rhythm.  They're wonderful both in the slow
>movements and in the quick.
>I must say that I've never gotten the point of Casals the cellist; I've
>always preferred by quite a bit Feuermann.  Ma is okay.  I prefer his
>second time out to his first.  Rostropovich and Tortelier again are okay.
>I find both of their accounts too much International Virtuoso.

I have not heard the Neikrug and Maisky versions, but I've heard the
Casals, Rostropovich, Tortelier, Fournier, Bijslma and now my recently
acquired Wispelwey (Channel Record).  I like Wispelwey's version version
very much:  he has a natural and warm playing, beautiful Preludes with
nothing overdone, the slow movements with a well feeled gravitas and the
quick movements as they should be, quick, dancelike, and sometimes
featherlight.  I don't like the Casals too much, I returned Rostropovich 2
to the shop (as Steve puts it, 'too much International Virtuoso') and at
the end I stay with Fournier, all-round beautiful, and with Bijlsma and/or
Wispelwey, very personal without exaggerating.

Reynier Bordes