Helen Duggan introduced herself:

>I am a relatively new list member who has been lurking until now, but I can
>hold my typing fingers no longer.  (I'm a singer, flautist, instrumental
>teacher, choral conductor, classroom music teacher and MA student)

Any relation to our notorious listmember Tony Duggan?

>A question:
>Can we claim that we ever hear, even if we mightplay, the music being
>discussed as the composer intended at the time it was composed?
>Can a performance of 18th century music ever be right if the
>audience is a 20th/21st century one?

It's a point I've made several times in the past, but more in the context
of HIP performance than of repeats.  I'm pleased to meet someone else who
takes the view that because audiences have changed, complete authenticity
in "historical" music is an impossibility.

Welcome to the list, Helen.

Ian Crisp
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