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From: "JOSEPH F. ROSSMAN" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Screen bottom boards

> > Sooner or later some bee supply dealer will make screen bottom boards
>similar to those described, and will sell a great number



From: Thom Bradley <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: pollen collection and Corn pollen

I am going to assume that corn was not included in the study by
McGregor because corn is entirely pollinated by wind. As for the others I
can not say. This does not mean that insects do not eat the pollen, only
that it does not require insects to make viable seed.

Honeybees do feed on corn pollen. This has been a bone of contention in the
past. Pesticide spraying is done without regard to foraging insects because
the corn does not require insects-therefore they must not be there.
Regarding Bt corn and honeybees. There are very unsubstantiated stories of
honeybee kills, however I have also heard the Bt engineered into the corn is
not the kind that will affect bees. This will require response from those
with different training than myself.

From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Corn Pollen

BT is not BT.  There are many sub-spicies of BT used for various larvae and
where CERTAN (used for control of wax moth) was not harmful to honey bee
larvae, other forms of BT may be.  DIPEL is another form used by gargeners
for Col plant caterpillers. The collection of pollen from corn (or any
source) is for use in feeding larvae in the hive, so I would be very careful
until I had contacted the developer of the genetically engineered BT corn
for test results.

Incidentally, CERTAN was still available in Canada as of last year.


From: Ron Law <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: allergic reactions

A great deal of Peter Molan's work can be found at

New Zealand Unique Manuka Honey has an 'X' factor that gives it
antibacterial activity over and above ordinary honey.

Check it out.

Ron Law

From: Ron Law <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: allergic reactions

Because it's not a registered medicine, doesn't come in tubes, and there are
no honey producers sending Dr computers for their clinic, sending them to
conferences all around the world, and besides -- it is illegal to tell
people; to do otherwise would be making a therapeutic claim and you'd have
the FDA down on you like a tonne of hot bricks.

At a major burns hospital in New Zealand they started using honey in a burns
unit. Healing time was 50% of the best medicine and scarring was
considerably less. Not surprisingly, the researcher had to take 'stress
leave' and the research was never completed nor published.

Ron Law

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