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Full-name: Daswalls
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Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 10:04:08 EST
Subject: (no subject)
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Dear Lactnetters, I have been reading Lactnet info,but still have a healthy
fear of computers. I am mustering my courage to start on  the internet path!
I am an IBCLC and an herbalist in private practice. Some info on herbs on
Lactnet has me concerned. I would like to offer my services if anyone has
questions. My e-mail address is [log in to unmask] I would also like to
comment on the "fogginess" issue. We often try to see things through
scientific eyes. Maybe the experience of birth and early parenting and BF is
more of an instinctive, spiritual experience. That is how I view this
phenomenon, not necessarily a learning period, but rather a time the mother
and baby communicate on a level beyond words. I have seen many, many times
how a woman can go to a place deep within herself and find the power to
birth, it is in that sacred moment that she can find the strength for
mothering,parenting and coping with life's difficult times. Don't want to
sound too preachy,thanks for  the opportunity to connect with you all!
Donna   Walls,RN.CCE,IBCLC,Herbalist
Dayton, Ohio