> Have an apparently normal 22 mo old pt whose mom
BF him.  He refuses all solids and will only nurse.  She is expecting
#2 and would like him to eat something.

Pat - here is a suggestion that has worked in the past.
Have the mother put out little dishes of suitable foods - cut up fruit,
crackers, cheese cubes etc. A muffin pan works well for this. Put the
food on a low surface that the child can reach, like a coffee table.
Now here is the important bit....the mother should say NOTHING to her
toddler about the food.
No *How about a bit of apple?*
What she CAN do is take a piece of the food herself and eat eat it when
she sees the toddler watching her. Modelling, ya know :) Then walk away.

What usually happens is that by the end of the day, some if not all of
the food is gone. Mom can take it from there, simply refilling the dishes
a couple of times a day, as needed. No need to comment on what a good
girl Susie is for eating her lunch - in fact, this can be

Good luck!

Norma Ritter, IBCLC
private practice in Big Flats, NY
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