Philip Peters wrote:

> Mimi Ezust wrote:
> >I can recommend the Mozart Violin and Piano sonatas on Philips.  Four
> >compact discs.  Walter Klien and Arthur Grumiaux.  This set is a winner
> >in every way.  Wonderful team!
> Yes, they are but when you hear the (sadly small) number of sonatas
> Grumiaux recorded with Clara Haskil for Philips in the fifties (2 CD's)
> you will probably rate that one much higher.  ...

How is the balance, though? I once owned a recording of the Grumiaux Bach
sonatas for violin and keyboard, and although I have forgotten the keyboard
player, I can tell you the balance was terrible.  It ought to sound like a
trio.  It sounded like a violin solo with a distant accompaniment.  Sure
the violin playing was great.  After all, it WAS Grumiaux.

Mimi Ezust