Bob responds to Jane's quest for Schwann Opus information:

>I'm in the UK and as I mentioned the Schwann appears to be unobtainable
>here.  May I suggest you write to Don Satz who is in Seattle, I believe,
>and seems to have a lot of knowledge about these matters.

That's right.  I'm the essence of the "Admin.  Man".  What do I know about
Schwann Opus? Well, I have one in front of me and it's real big.  The cited
price is $16.95 and it comes out Quarterly.

Too bad it isn't reliable.  Many folks get on Schwann's case because the
listings are not complete (not even close).  Schwann replies that it lists
everything that comes in from the record companies - not their fault.
This reference guide is good to have, but it's not the whole story.  Still
interested? Call 1-800-792-9447 and get a one year subscription for the
phenomenally low price of $50, and you also get the Artist Annual Guide.
That's right, 5 guides for the price of less than four.  What a bargain!

Of course, I have absolutely no assocation with Schwann excepting for
the purchase of the Guide.  Come to think of it, I'm not associated with
anything in particular.

Don Satz
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