As I was reading Ron's initiating posting for this thread, I started
wondering who the folks were who made the nominating selections.  I have no
idea who they are or their credentials for making these types of choices.
Do you? [Yes, because I can type and click on the
history button.  -Dave]

Off the top of my head, I would think that none of them should be
professionally in the music field - too many opportunities for insider
bias.  All of them would ideally be serious record collectors who buy at
least 300 recordings per year with a wide variety of different genres and

Although I have essentially described myself and many others on the list,
I have the perception that none of us were asked to be on the Grammy panel
for classical recordings.  I also have the perception that most of the
panel members likely were familiar with only a tiny percentage of the
recordings that were released during the year.  Ignorance is not a good
foundation for making selections.

I'm going to locate an e-mail address for the Grammy Awards and recommend
that they use folks like Deryk, Steve, Tony, et al to make the choices next
year.  No, I don't expect any positive response, but I do want them to know
that there's at least one person who is aware of how poorly their process
is currently worked.  [That address would be [log in to unmask]  -Dave]

Don Satz
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