John Proffitt wrote:

>Performance Today is a major investment in the future of classical
>music in this country, by any estimation.  Two hours of commentary,
>features and--most of all--recorded musical performances from
>concert halls around the country.

Great sales pitch.  I'll make a large contribution on Monday.

Performance Today is not, in my mind, a major investment or "major" in any
respect.  Two hours per day? Big deal.  Perhaps John, who routinely lets
us know that he's connected with the world of broadcasting, is displaying
a little bias.

Getting back to how classical music starters can best "catch up" with
seasoned classical music lovers, There's a myriad of routes to take, none
of them mutually exclusive.  My son prefers long conversations with me,
knowing my tastes and knowing where his diverge from mine.  My daughter
likes the "sampler" route and has made the following conclusions:

1. She loves Roberto Alagna.
2. She therefore hates his wife.
3. She loves Italian Opera from Rossini to Puccini.
4. She loves early music, particularly of a choral nature.
5. She loves Bach keyboard works excepting for Bach's more complicated
compositions like the Art of Fugue.  I do think she'll get to that point.

Don Satz
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