Richard Pennycuick:

>I notice that the middle "l" in "Lutoslawski" has a slash.  I've run across
>one or two other Polish names in which this means the slashed "l" sounds as
>"w" does in English, but I don't know if this is always so.  If it is, this
>would make the third syllable "swahv".  Would someone confirm or deny this
>suggestion, please? We may as well get it right.

As far as it is possible English 'swahv' is good for Polish 'slaw' with
slashed 'l'.  And yes, this letter always sounds as English 'w'.  The whole
Lutoslawski's name should be pronounced more or less like 'Lootoswahvskee'
with 'oo' similar to 'moon', 'o' like in 'drop', 'a' taken from 'Richard',
'ee' as in 'deep' or rather similar to 'ea' in 'eager', all of these short.

Krzysztof Lorentz ('L' not slashed, first name unpronounceable)
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