Walter Meyer wrote of "technical" problems with Brilliant CDs:

>Even if I don't fare as well w/Berkshire as Tom did (which I strongly
>suspect at this time), at US $2.00 per CD of well performed music that has
>been to a large extent unfamiliar to me, I guess I don't have much basis
>for complaint.

I think Walter has "every" basis for complaint.  A defective cd is just
that, no matter what the price is, and defects are something I find totally
unacceptable.  There's simply no justification for the defects noted by
Walter and Tom.  The fault lies with the Brilliant folks, whoever they
might be.  I say we should burn down their homes and sabotage the brakes
on their vehicles.

For what it's worth, I haven't come across a defective cd in over 10 years.

Don Satz
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