Gustav Styger:

>Speaking of Vivaldi: Cecilia Bartoli's new Vivaldi CD is not yet
>available in South Africa.  Has any of the listmembers listened
>to it? Any comments and is it worth getting?

I heard about half an hour of it the other day and it sounded good of its
kind, but as it's not the sort of music I usually listen to, my opinion
isn't worth much.  But do tell, Gustav - how are CD prices where you live?

What I thought might be of interest to listers, especially in view of
recent complaints about the paucity of decent radio in the US, is the
circumstances of my hearing it.  One of our national TV stations shows
a weather map instead of a test pattern and plays, in stereo, CDs of
different styles - usually CM or so-called world music - to accompany
it.  There are no announcements, no spoken commercials and other than
a scrolling graphic telling you what the CD is, who's performing, its
cost and the phone number of a national book chain who'll post you a
copy, nothing to distract you.  All very civilised, I think.

Richard Pennycuick
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